Thursday, February 02, 2006

QotD: You're trapped in a well with a goat and a slinky. Describe how you will escape.

1. Don’t be distracted by the goat or the slinky. Tip the well over and follow the light (there’s always light at the end of the tunnel).

2. Sacrifice the goat to the gods. After they rescue you, give them the slinky as a gift.

3. Barbeque the goat. When nearby villagers smell the delicious aroma, they will pull you and the goat out. After dinner, entertain them with the slinky.

4. Tie the goat’s feet together, with the slinky on the bottom. Begin to bounce him up and down. When he reaches a reasonable height, grab hold of his horns. When he reaches the apex of the next jump, launch yourself up and over the lip of the well.

5. Teach the goat how to do tricks with the slinky. Wait for a circus owner to discover you.

6. Ignore the goat. Put the slinky in your pocket and climb up the rungs set in the side of the well.

7. Tease the goat until he attempts to ram you with his horns. Step aside at the last moment so he crashes into the wall of the well. Do this repeatedly until he breaks through the brick into soft dirt. When the hole is half the length of the goat, bend the top link of the slinky so an end sticks out. Poke the goat sharply so he continues to butt through the earth. Try to surprise him so he jumps a little, giving the emerging tunnel an upward slant. This will ruin both the goat and the slinky, but that’s the price of freedom.

8. Put the goat on your back. Unbend the slinky and wrap it around yourself and the goat. Make loud baaing noises. Someone will investigate, and seeing a humongous, double-baaing goat, will pull you both up for further investigation.

9. Tell your fraternity brothers it was a really good joke and agree to put mustard on your head and run naked through the library if they’ll pull you out now.

10. Don’t think about escaping the well. That is impossible. Instead, try to picture a universe where a man, a goat and a slinky exist only on level ground.


Stephanie said...

Hey, Carrie! How are you!?

These are very clever answers.

Carrie Kilgore said...

Hey! Long time no see! I LOVE your's just what I need these days, I think. I'm not as sure about mine...some of the questions that come up randomly here make me scream. It does force me into a different mode of thought, though. My hope is that it will make me a better writer in the long run.

Stephanie said...

You've always been a very brave writer, Carrie, as evidenced by this mission to respond to these questions. :)

Carrie Kilgore said...

You know, many people have difficulty understanding the difference between bravery and lunacy... ;P

Balaganesan Swaminathan said...

The well is narrow. Use your arms and legs to walk the wall and climb up.
On your way back, sell the farmers information about about the goat in the well.

Balaganesan Swaminathan said...

Stand up and climb out of the well.
Make sure that you let the goat out too.

Carrie Kilgore said...

Ha! I love your answers, BG. With all the health problems I've had the last few years, I thought my poor blog was completely dead. Thanks for the lovely heads up!!

Carrie Kilgore said...

Ha! I love your answers, BG. With all the health problems I've had the last few years, I thought my poor blog was completely dead. Thanks for the lovely heads up!!

Unknown said...

Asked this question back in the'... Let's just say that you can't tip over a North Carolina well, what would you do then

Unknown said...

My answer ended with need to know the demeanor of the goat and the size of the slinky...

Unknown said...

Checked your profile decided that I like you friend New Orleans Louisiana