Thursday, July 22, 2010

bits of this and that leading to adornment

I am busily turning out necklaces and bracelets, inserting at least one of my "Magic Meditation" beads in most. People are always amazed and a bit shocked when they first see one, never imagining something like THAT. It takes several steps and a good many days to create, but so worth it. I am in love with them.

I find myself thinking over each piece, consulting my Spirit Guide Andra, to get the perfect piece for someone. Most of these will eventually reach people I don't know, so it's helpful to have a spirit guide who knows just the spirit world, at least...

Being disabled and with limited energy, those around me have been talking about how to get them marketed. I don't care about making a profit on them, and my feeling is that someone who can't pay for the materials (I can't help using the best, because how can they be helpful otherwise?) should be able to pay what they can and no worries...

After all, the spirits know of my physical needs and if they care enough to watch so carefully how I make these pieces (including sometimes just ripping apart and starting over), they also want to keep me going, right?

BTW, did you know that photo of me was taken many years ago when my kids were little? I am now a gray-haired, wobbling sort of shaman. I can still give readings, and act as medium when needed, but the energy required limits me to maybe three times a week. I hear my kids discussing prices, but I'm of the old school, where I believe that it's fine to accept a gift, but that has to come from the heart, and obviously, must fit the seeker's ability.

I don't think I've written of this: I most like readings "Under the Blanket" which means simply sitting together with a shared blankey over our laps, and it becomes the altar. This implies a friendship sort of reading, or like a member of the tribe coming to snuggle next to a grandmother to get a bit of wisdom and a peek into the Otherworld, which for me is so much larger than any specific belief system. I see no reason not to borrow from here and there to find whatever fits.

Rather like the jewelry.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Carrie, we used to talk on Zoetrope however that seems like a long time ago. The halls all seem empty there now... only a few still visit and a there are some new people.

News: The Write Side Up is making a come back, had to get a new domain name however you can check out Zoe for the new address, MySpace or even Facebook.

I made it out west, I've lived here in Las Vegas for the past 1 months and now I'm heading back to Florida...

Let us know how you're doing